After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Fauci and the Sheeple

Benjamin Franklin said, “We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to remain stupid.” 

Some County Supervisors excuse their Covid response by saying “They were acting on the information they had.” They mandated draconian lock downs, a prison strategy that killed our neighbors, ruined businesses and divided spouses and the community. Other officials made decisions based on the Governor’s carrot of cash. “We can lift the mandate now that we received our Cares Act money.” 

Local dictates destroyed those dubbed non-essential, our youth and precious parents and grandparents, and those troubled by substance abuse and bouts of depression. Loved ones died from ailments at the hospital isolated from family members. Others perished from abandonment in care homes mandated by county policies.

The Communist Covid strategy was brilliant and evil. Pay government workers well while carrying out the societal reset to destroy small independent businesses. You couldn’t get Covid at Big Box Store or ‘Indian’ Casinos.

How about the information that County Supervisors based their mandates on? Anthony Fauci said the Covid case fatality rates would be 3.6%. Some jurisdictions acquired and never used 52-foot refrigerated trailers to store the dead. The fatality rate was less than 1% overall and for children and healthy adults it was virtually zero.

Even though Fauci was repeatedly wrong, government officials continue following his directives.

Fauci said lockdowns work. They don’t. The cities with the harshest lockdowns, Los Angeles and New York had the poorest outcomes. There is zero scientific and zero empirical evidence that lockdowns work.

Even though totally wrong again officials still blindly follow Fauci.

Fauci once said don’t bother with masks and then admitted he lied to manipulate the population to not use them. He said masks were needed by front line health workers. He lied to us to control our behavior and yet many continue to blindly follow. Fauci is a no mask, mask, 2 masks, Covid shot and still a mask kind of guy.

Now he says we need to reach 90% vaccination levels before we will gain herd immunity.  A couple months prior he said we could reach herd immunity with a 60% vaccination level. Then, Fauci admitted to moving the ‘goals posts’ because the American people are finally ready to hear the truth.

Despicable government officials lie to us, but the self-righteous liars say it is all for our own good. Why are we still listening to these people?

Why are people who already had Covid 19 getting the Covid shot? Why are we ‘immunizing’ people that have a natural immunity to Covid? The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that followed 12,541 health workers for 31 weeks after they recovered from Covid. Researchers found 6 months into the study that virtually all workers were naturally immune.  

So, why vaccinate those that have recovered? And why are young and normally resilient health care workers getting the vaccine before the vulnerable ones in nursing homes? We were told ‘seniors’ and infirmed were the most vulnerable to Covid.

A University of Pennsylvania professor argues that health care workers are more racially diverse and nursing homes residents tend to be white. What? The vaccine is being distributed according to Critical Race Theory and not according to science and need?

Speaking of science, why do healthy people have to wear masks - to prevent the healthy from infecting others? Centers for Disease Control said asymptomatic people (those testing positive for Covid, but no symptoms) cannot give Covid to others. A new study from the University of Florida Biostatistics found that the secondary infection rate from asymptomatic people was basically zero.

Why are we blindly following nonsensical mandates? Wrong-way Fauci has repeatedly lied and peddled fear to control the population. People are working hard to remain this stupid.

(For more of Lou’s articles and podcasts go to


Covid “Dashboard”

Shooting-Up on Sunday