After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Politics not Covid Keep Schools Closed

The barriers to opening schools have everything to do with politics and nothing to do with illness. However, the Wuhan Flu hysteria is being used as a scapegoat to justify paying teachers for doing and accomplishing very little until their union demands are met. Meanwhile, students and parents are in a learning and financial free-fall.

Teachers represent a variety of political flavors but their union leaders are Marxists determined to impose those political shackles on Americans. United Teachers of Los Angeles (UTLA) union leaders are demanding defunding of the police; single-payer, government-provided health care; full funding for housing all homeless; a shutdown to publicly funded, privately operated charter schools; and a new set of programs to address systemic racism before schools reopen. 

To pay for all this, they want a 1 percent wealth tax, 3 percent income surtax on millionaires, and increased property taxes on businesses. They also want $250 million from the federal government.

Since the teachers unions took over California’s education system, schools have plummeted from 1st to 46th in the nation. Under union leadership producing smart kids never has been a priority. The goal is representing teachers.

Former Orange County Treasurer Chriss Street said recently the reason schools will remain closed is that California is broke and cannot afford to reopen them. Since the teachers union controls California government that is the stalemate.

There is whining from union leaders and some teachers about the danger of returning to school. It’s no more dangerous than before Covid. The government’s nonsensical and dangerous ‘solution’ of social distancing, masks and a maniacal phobia with germs are actually making people mentally and physically ill.

You know you are getting scammed by ‘highly-educated’ school officials when they make really stupid arguments justifying no normal classes. A teen under the influence could refute them.

 Covid supposedly has ‘killed 232,000.’ This is a lie - few have actually died from only Covid. And hardly any children are dying. In fact, youth are nearly immune and ill adults survive more than 99% percent of the time. For perspective, wrong medical procedures kill 250,000 people annually.

For the few children infected with the coronavirus, the risk of dying is extraordinarily low. Covid-19 patients under age 20 are 17 times more likely to die due to other causes than succumb to Covid.

School-aged children between 5 and 14 have a 1 in 200,000 chance of dying of influenza, but a 1 in 1.1 million chance of dying of Covid-19. Before Covid-19, heath officers, school officials, and parents were just fine risking the flu, the ‘common’ cold, lice, ring worms, impetigo and broken bones to allow students to mix it up with their friends, be in clubs, compete in sports and get an education.

Kids are more likely to be killed traveling to school (1 in 106), by a dog attack (1 in 118,776), choking on food (1 in 2,618), by a bee sting (1 in 46,562), drowning (1 in 1,121), by a sunstroke (1 in 7,770) or lightning (1 in 180,746).

Honest ‘old school’ scientists concur that like any ‘common cold’ for most all adults COVID-19 causes no symptoms or only a mild illness. However, older people with pre-existing medical conditions (high blood pressure, heart problems or diabetes) appear to be more vulnerable to serious outcomes from contracting Covid or many other ailments. 

Teachers with compromised health are more susceptible to any malady and should consider early retirement if they now fear the campus. Again, the problem is that union-run schools are about teachers, not students. Healthy teachers unwilling to return to the classroom should be replaced. 

On August 5, 1981, President Reagan fired 11,345 striking air traffic controllers who ignored his return-to-work order, and banned them from federal service for life. 

At a recent Marysville Joint Unified School District board meeting administrator Rocco Greco reported that of 2013 Lindhurst and Marysville High Schools students, 1043 are below a 2.0 (and a 49% failure rate). While parents have been paying their property taxes for schools, and the teachers and staff have been fully-funded, students have been cheated educationally.

Most all parents and students hate distance learning and are floundering. Desperate, many seek alternative sources for schooling. None of this will likely move educrats except to ask for more money for doing nothing.

(Get Lou’s podcast at “No Hostages Radio” and his articles at


America without God Isn’t America

Govt is the Virus