After 5 years of doing live talk on a Nor Cal AM/FM station Lou Binninger is now using No Hostages Radio to give his take on the local, state, and national political and cultural scene.

Weekly radio episodes will appear here as well as articles written for the Territorial Dispatch.

Slave or Free - Your Call

Of all of his oratory, the Ronald Reagan Freedom Speech may be his most iconic, as it not only explained the precarious nature of freedom but served as motivation for liberty lovers. His comments came on Oct. 27, 1964 at the Republican National Convention, years before he would become President of the United States. The talk would bring him political fame and lead to 8 years in the White House. The Speech wasn’t political pandering but a foretelling, tapping into the Spirit of our Founding Fathers

The essence of the speech known as “A Time for Choosing” can be summarized in the following paragraph from the script:

“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

Reagan’s talk was given in the charged atmosphere of the world-wide threat of Communism, while civil rights protests and riots broke-out in our larger cities.  Reagan sought to taunt listeners from their complacency to be vigilant and fight for our unique freedoms desired by the common folk throughout the world.

People still remember Reagan, some admire him greatly but few took his exhortation to heart and practiced what he and our Founding Fathers warned of. “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety,” said Ben Franklin (1755).

“But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever.” John Adams (1775). And Edmund Burke (1784) said “The people never give up their liberties but under some delusion.”

So today, we have independent global enterprises like the United Nations (UN) and the World Health Organization mocking and undermining America. The UN spells out its plans for the world in “Agendas.” 

United Nations’ Agenda 21 explained how the world should function and about a desired world order. It was a product of the Earth Summit held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. Although it was easily obtained and read, few did so and most people ignorantly labeled critics of the UN plan conspiracy wonks.

Now, there is Agenda 2030 and whether you take time to read it or not you are now getting a taste test by losing your freedom through government and mass media lies / deception. In less than a year the common cold was sold as a deadly disease through a mass media campaign, eliminating money was introduced, schools closed, travel curtailed, medicine politicized, small businesses crushed or damaged, mandatory vaccination and contact tracing installed, the concept of a heath passport to travel even from state to state and the impact of Third World- style election fraud here.

You can read all about it or just let it be a surprise.

The UN and World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Agenda 2030 is more than a forecast but is a plan whose implementation has sped-up with the virus and the lockdowns. 

As societal control is accomplished private property and privacy will be abolished. The coming repression will go further than even the communist demand to abolish the ownership of the means of production but leave space for private possessions. The WEF says even consumer goods would be no longer considered private property.

People will rent and borrow their necessities from the state, which will be the sole broker of all goods. Their supply will be rationed in line with a social credit points system (already implemented in China). Shopping in the traditional sense will disappear along with the private purchase of goods. Every personal move will be tracked electronically (China already, here partially), and all production will be subject to the requirements of clean energy and a sustainable environment. 

In the new totalitarian service economy, the government will provide basic accommodation, food, and transport, while the rest must be lent from the state. The use of natural resources will be reduced to a minimum. 

People will own nothing. Goods are either free of charge or must be lent from the state. The US will no longer be the leading superpower, but a handful of countries will dominate. Massive displacement of people will create billions of refugees. Western values will be discredited and undermined.

There will be no room for the average person. They will be discarded along with the “unemployable,” “feeble minded,” and “ill bred.” World population will be drastically reduced. Behind the preaching of social justice by the promoters of the Great Reset and the establishment of the new world order lurks eugenics, now called “genetic engineering” and it’s movement called “transhumanism.” 

The love of freedom seems to be lost on too many dumb-down Americans that now appear ready for a New World Order.

(Get Lou’s podcast at “No Hostages Radio” and his articles at


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